Exercise: A Life Of Indelible Moments
This exercise encourages you to create, organically, more moments that will leave a lasting impression on you. It is a reflection...
Well-Being, Deep Happiness, and What Endures
It is within your power to experience well-being. Well-being is not something you are fortunate to have or unlucky for not having. It is...
Exercise: Write Your Own Eulogy
When people die, there is often a tradition of being eulogized by a loved one. Eulogies are words of praise that can provide comfort to...
Exercise: What Matters Most
This four-part exercise is best done over the course of a few days. Allow at least one day, but no more than three, between each of the...
Prioritize What Matters Most
The surest way to stay on the path of authenticity is to have clarity about what matters to you. What is it that you deeply care about? ...
Listen: Returning to What Matters
Happy Solstice! Today’s post is a 15 minute listening exercise that will help you tune out the external world and tune in to your inner...
An Invitation
Welcome to the blog, An Intentional Life. It is dedicated to developing intentional practices for living in order to experience greater...